Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Word of the Year

The New Oxford American Dictionary’s Word of the Year for 2006 is Carbon Neutral.

Carbon neutral is when our actions don't increase the net carbon in the atmosphere. It involves calculating your total climate-damaging carbon emissions, reducing them where possible, and then balancing your remaining emissions by purchasing green tags: paying to plant new trees or investing in “green” technologies such as solar, wind, or biomass power.

The popularity of carbon neutral shows the growing importance of the green movement in the US. A New York Times Poll in 2006, showed 66% of respondents agreed that global warming is a problem causing a serious impact now. A movement is rapidly growing around the carbon neutral position.

Eric Bean, editor in chief of the New Oxford American Dictionary, said “The increasing use of the word carbon neutral reflects not just the greening of our culture, but the greening of our language. When you see first graders trying to make their classrooms carbon neutral, you know the word has become mainstream.”

“All the Oxford lexicographers look forward to choosing the Word of the Year. We know that people love fun, flashy words like truthiness or the latest Bushism, but we are always looking for a word that is both reflective of the events and concerns of the past year and also forward-looking: a word that we think will only become more used and more useful as time goes on.”

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Dilbert Goes Sustainable

Dilbert's Ultimate House is certainly the most humorous example of sustainable building. The home follows energy efficient and green building concepts mixed with fun. It is a web-based, virtual house designed by Dilbert's eco-friendly fans. Energy efficiency concepts were incorporated with help by experts from PG&E, a large utility provider.

While mostly created for fun, serious considerations were energy usage approaching zero, use of green building materials when practical, healthy indoor air quality, and water savings.

It's great to see Dilbert contributing to the sustainability movement. Make sure you check out the funniest ideas and impractical suggestions on the website.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Offsetting Carbon Emissions

Wouldn't it be great if you could neutralize the carbon you contribute to the atmosphere? Well, I have good news! Now there are simple steps to zeroing out the carbon dioxide you generate.

Climate change is being driven by the increasing amounts of carbon in the atmosphere. Your input of CO2 to the atmosphere, about 20 tons per person in the US, is mainly produced by gasoline burned in vehicles, electricity use, and natural gas consumption.

Carbon offsetting is an increasingly popular method of reducing one's burden on the planet. Projects are created and supported to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Offsetting projects include planting forests, investing in renewable energy, and increasing energy efficiency.

Many new organizations provide easy payment methods to offset some or all of your carbon emissions. For example, a Toyota Camry, would typically emit about 8,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide per year (based on 12,000 miles/yr.) You can zero this out by purchasing carbon offsets for about $5o per year. Take a look at the following carbon offsetting organizations and see how easy it is reduce your burden on the planet.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Certified Wood and Paper

Half of the world's forests have been destroyed, most in the last few decades. We lose 33 football fields per minute of forest land. This is not sustainable!

There is a simple way to help protect the world's forests. When purchasing wood or paper products, check for certification from an organization seeking to guarantee sustainable management.

To be certified, a product is produced from a forest which grows and harvests trees with the long-term protection of wildlife, plants, soil and water quality. Around the world, logging can displace native peoples and lead to violence against people and wildlife. Global warming will place a great burden on the world's forests. We can something by making practical decisions to only purchase certified products which contribute to the health of the planet.

Certifying organizations include:
Look for certification before your next purchase. Encourage others to do so.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Waste Not, Want Not

When I launched a Sacramento county-wide recycling drive in the 1970's, our group was asked to stop by national paper companies. They said there wasn't a need for more paper and we would hurt church groups and boy scout troops who made money recycling newspapers. Our goal was to educate the public and encourage the local government to recycle.

I am happy to say that today recycling is not only accepted, but expected. Recently, I helped launch a desk side recycling program for Sonoma County employees. After receiving blue recycling cans at each desk, employees were happy to recycle and felt better about their workplace.

Today California, participating in a worldwide effort, has a goal of zero waste. It revolves around changing attitudes about waste and considering resource management. Proper management of our resources should change our attitudes about waste. Creating waste is not efficient and thus costly in many ways.

The basics of approaching zero waste are:
  1. Reduce- purchase products with less packaging, buy in bulk, get off junk mail lists, bottle your own water
  2. Reuse- take bags to the store, donate items to charity, buy recycled products
  3. Recycle- always use recycle containters and demand them where you work and shop; use a mulching lawnmower; take electronics, paint, batteries, and other items to special recycling points.
The Earth 911 website can help you locate local information on wise use of resources. Another great resource is the Zero Waste International Alliance.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Passive Solar

Passive solar design is actually an old concept. Ancient dwellings were constructed to take advantage of passive solar. The Anasazi Indians built homes facing south to allow the winter sun in while using overhangs to block direct sunlight in summer. The homes had thick walls and floors to help maintain even temperatures. The Greeks and other cultures also used design to best utilize the sun. Most of these concepts were forgotten when energy was cheap.

The basic concepts of solar design include:
  • Orient the structure on an east-west axis.
  • Place most windows on the south wall.
  • Use overhangs or shading options to reduce summer sun on glass.
  • Insulate well.
  • Add mass, such as cement or stone.
  • Provide proper ventilation.
  • Place rooms where heat is most desired near the south wall.
Many forward thinking communities are incoroporating passive solar concepts into community planning. Simple design ideas can greatly reduce, or even eliminate, energy use. Some modern technologies, such as low-e glass, make passive solar even even more practical. A good book on the subject is 'The Solar House', by Daniel D. Chiras.

Many useful tools, such as a sun angle calculator and a sun chart program, can be found on the web for those wishing to explore solar design in detail. However, it doesn't have to be complicated to use simple and practical ideas to increase efficiency.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Green Building

The green building movement is exploding with growth. Local governments everywhere are incorporating green concepts into regulations and guidelines. San Francisco is soon to host West Coast Green, the largest green building conference with 250 exhibitors and dozens of speakers.

Green building is based on sustainability concepts and focusing on energy efficiency, construction that minimally impacts nature, and a healthy interior environment. A popular certification is the LEED program administered by the US Green Building Council.

There are many factors to consider when constructing a building or remodeling an existing one. Some these include: maximize insulation and use recycled materials; orient to benefit from passive solar concepts; install EnergyStar appliances; landscape with local plants and minimize water use; install low flow toilets; use daylighting and CFLs; and literally hundreds of other considerations.

New products and concepts are being introduced continually. Before building, remodeling, or purchasing a structure, evaluate green building concepts. These save money, add to your health, contribute to the health of the community and the environment. No wonder this movement is growing so fast.

The Big Payback

It's easy to calculate the benefits of increasing energy efficiency. To calculate simple payback, take the total cost and divide by the annual savings. For example, if an appliance costs $500 and will reduce energy costs $100 per year, then the simple payback is 500/100 or 5 years. Simple payback is the easiest and most commonly performed method. If the simple payback is quick, make the purchase. If the simply payback leaves you wondering, then there is more to consider.

Other considerations include the rising utility costs (2-5%/yr), inflation, interest you could earn if money was left in the bank, loan costs, and increased or decreased maintenance costs. A new project may reduce or increase regular maintenance costs.

Net present value (NPV) is a popular method for considering financial factors beyond the simple payback. It calculates a positive cash flow. This occurs when your annual benefits exceed the annual costs. NPV considers the life expectancy of the item, the cost of money, inflation and other possible factors. SImple payback may take many years, but if you a positive cash flow the purchase makes sense.

The most holistic approach is lifecycle analysis. Here we try to evaluate all costs and savings over the lifetime of the item. Everything from salvage value to disposal costs. This method gives the most accurate analysis. Many are trying to add environmental costs into this approach. Obviously this method requires research and some subjective decisions. Some factors are intangible. Included are things like greenhouse gas reduction, the security of having a brand new item, added comfort, increased home value, etc. A good example is double pane windows. They not only save energy, but also reduce outside noise which may be important, but hard to put a price on.

Confused??? Look at Select Cost Analysis Method , or for great calculators visit Energy Cost Calculators.

To PV or not to PV?

Solar power has received a strong endorsement from the government here in California. The goal is to place electricity generating solar panels, referred to as photovoltaics or PV, on one million roofs in the state. Large rebates are being offered bring down the cost and encourage the purchase of systems. Our governor's vision is to make California a world-wide leader in solar power. Currently Japan and Germany, are the world leaders in solar power.

The question on people's minds-- is PV practical for the average homeowner or small business operator? While most people support PV,, on a gut level, when they price the systems, often $10-20,000 installed, they begin to question if it makes sense. Without rebates, the payback time (meaning the time it takes for the electricity savings to equal the PV cost), can be over 12 years. A fifty percent rebate can half that number and many states in addition to California offer incentives.

The best analysis is not just a simple financial payback, but a careful consideration of all the factors. First of all, payback time is based on an estimate of the future inflation of electricity costs. Owning a PV system insulates you from rising electricity costs and provides security knowing that future electricity costs won't be affecting you much if all (some PV systems provide all of a home's electricity needs while others may supply only a certain percentage). While PV life expectancies are rated at around 25 years, many feel they will last up to 50 years. Assuming you stay in your home, free electricity in one's older years can be quite a relief. Even if you move from your home, the solar panels can add value beyond their actual cost when you sell.

One of the beautiful features of solar is that it produces the most electricity during the middle of the day when there is the biggest demand. Many electrical rates are moving toward time of use pricing where the rates are much higher in the middle of the day. With PV you can consume electricity during the peak periods without added costs or increasing overall demands which requires new power plants to be built. You help your state without having to turn down your air conditioner or turn off your appliances during the hottest part of the day. Additionally, you won't have to worry about utility company blackouts with your own generation of electricity.

How much value do you place on being part of the solution instead of part of the problem? How much is doing the right thing worth? Do you ever donate to charity? Even if you don't see an actual financial return on PV at this time, you will become a better citizen with PV. You will stop contributing to global climate change when you use electricity. You will support the growth of the renewable energy industry. You will be able to look young children in the eye and know that you are contributing to their future.

Many are waiting for future improvements in the solar industry that will increace efficiency and drive down costs. So, shouldn't you wait? No. There doesn't seem to be any great technological advances in the short term that will dramatically change the industry. Yes, there is a lot of research on many great new ideas for solar from flexible plastics to nano-technology, but these are probably many years out before they are readily available and affordable. Also, as technology advances and prices come down, the government incentives will fade away. If you live in California, now is definitely the time to seriously consider PV for your home or business.

Hybrids- This Could Be the Right Time

Is now the time to buy a hybrid vehicle?

It is definitely time to take a serious look at this technology. For starters, everyone's first question seems to be- can it save me money? One of the best ways to analyze your potential savings is to use the hybrid calculator. This will let you compare your current vehicle with a number of different hybrids and show savings based on different prices for gasoline.

Typically, a vehicle with hybrid technology costs for $2-3,000 more. However, this can often be offset with savings from tax credits, deductions, and rebates equal to or even exceeding the increaded cost. For 2006, there are federal tax credits for hybrid vehicles. The Toyota Prius can provide a refund of $3150 on your 2006 return. The tax credits only apply to the first 60,000 sold of any model. Many states have other incentives such as the use of carpool lanes.

So, let's say you're still not sold (although with current gas prices, that's hard to imagine). How do you feel about being a good citizen on planet earth? Burning one gallon of gasoline produces 20 pounds of carbon dioxide! Driving a hybrid can save tons of carbon dioxide, the main driver of global warming, from our atmosphere. You will also greatly reduce other pollutants which cause a variety of problems from health issues to environmental damage.

Discussions of hybrids turn to a myriad of other issues from oil dependency to support for new technology. Combining practical efficiency with a bit of idealism makes the purchase of a hybrid the right choice- NOW!

College Green Power Challenge

The Environmental Protection Agency has challenged colleges to buy green power. They have set up a webpage- 2006 College and University Green Power Challenge.

The EPA now buys 100% of its electricity needs from renewable resources. They are encouraging colleges to follow their lead with the challenge. The webpage is fun to follow the competition between athletic conferences. The Ivy League is leading the challenge. But why is Dartmouth, the Big Green, not showing any green power?

This is part of the EPA's Green Power Partners program. Check it out and see if you can get an organization to join up. It is a great program and helps support organizations in becoming more environmentally responsible. Ask companies you do business with if they are green partners.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Seal & Insulate- Stop the Heat and Save Money

Appoximately 60 percent of existing homes are inadequately insulated according to a Harvard Study. Air leaks and poor insulation can increase energy bills by 40 percent or more.

Perhaps the simplest way to increase your home's energy efficiency is to seal air leaks and add insulation. It is a cost-effective way to lower energy bills and make your home more comfortable. It's important to control the movement of air and heat between the interior of your home and the outside world. The exterior of a home is referred to as an envelope. Improving the integrity of this envelope can often be done by a homeowner.

Let's start with air leaks. These are gaps, cracks, or holes where air passes in or out. We pay to condition air by heating it in the winter and cooling it in the summer. The most common methods to seal air leaks are caulk, spray foam, and weather-stripping. The attic and basement are the most common areas for costly air leaks. Other places to consider are doors, windows, light fixtures, chimneys, and holes for pipes. Small openings can be sealed with caulk either applied from a tube or inexpensive caulk gun. Spray foam is also very effective and readily available from home improvement stores. Weather-stripping is as easy to apply as tape and comes in various sizes and styles. It is most useful around windows and doors.

Insulation is designed to prevent the flow of heat. It keeps your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. The older a home is, the more likely it could benefit from increased insulation. Insulating walls and floors also helps maintain temperatures and thus saves money. The easiest type of insulation for the homeowner to install are bats or blankets of rolled insulation. These are simple to cut and roll into place in the attic (assuming your attic has room to manuever). Insulation is rated by resistance to heat flow referred to as an R-value. The most practical efficiency is based on a region's climate. An R-30 value is generally recommended for attics in moderate climates, while up to an R-50 value is suggested for very cold regions.

A good site for information on insulation, including links to energy saving calculators, is Simply Insulate. The Federal Government's Energy Star site offers a great publication entitled A Do It Yourself Guide to Home Sealing.

California & Sao Paulo Prove It Can Be Done

One of the biggest barriers to greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions has been the practical question- what are the economic costs? California and the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo demonstrated that actual savings-- to the tune of tens of billions of dollars-- can be realized while reducing emissions. GHG reduction programs in these two states include electricity conservation, land-fill methane usage, ecosystem restoration, renewable resources, efficiency standards for buildings, and other innovative measures.

A report published in December 2005, shows economic and health benefits acheived while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The document, No Reason To Wait, discusses the benefits of GHG reductions in Sao Paulo and California. These two states were able to take actions that went beyond "business as usual" to gain significant reductions in GHG emissions. Rather than the high costs often associated with emissions reduction, economic and health benefits were documented. Sao Paulo and California will cooperate in efforts dealing with air quality, alternative fuels, energy efficiency, renewable energy, public transit, forestry, and educational programs.

For over 30 years, California has been able to maintain a constant per-capita electricity consumption while the United States as a whole increased by 50 percent. The net economic benefits in California are approximately $1,000 per person and have saved $56 billion through 2003. WIthout the energy measures, air polllution from stationary sources would have been 50 percent greater.

The report is full of data supporting practical efficiency. More documents related to climate change can be found at California Climate Change Portal.

Compact Fluorescent Lights

Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) are perplexing experts in energy efficiency. Why is it that people will not switch to this technology when it makes so much sense?

According to the Energy Star website, if every house in the US replace just one incandescent light bulb with a CFL, it would reduce pollution equal to removing one million cars from the road. CFLs use about 70% less electricity and last 10 times as long. Each bulb can save approximately $35 depending on electricity costs.

The advantages are numerous and include:

  • use one quarter the electricity producing the same amount of light
  • last ten times longer
  • less hassle changing light bulbs and buying new ones
  • save money, often paying back the investment in only months
  • reduce heat production thus decreasing cooling costs
  • reduce pollution and global warming
So why not buy new bulbs and dispose of your incandescents? The newer CFLs come in different shapes and differing light colors. And, you can often find these lights deeply discounted with instant rebates.

Some groups, like Ban the Bulb , want to stop further sales of incandescent lights. Exercise your freedom, and your brain, by choosing CFLs now.