Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Compact Fluorescent Lights

Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) are perplexing experts in energy efficiency. Why is it that people will not switch to this technology when it makes so much sense?

According to the Energy Star website, if every house in the US replace just one incandescent light bulb with a CFL, it would reduce pollution equal to removing one million cars from the road. CFLs use about 70% less electricity and last 10 times as long. Each bulb can save approximately $35 depending on electricity costs.

The advantages are numerous and include:

  • use one quarter the electricity producing the same amount of light
  • last ten times longer
  • less hassle changing light bulbs and buying new ones
  • save money, often paying back the investment in only months
  • reduce heat production thus decreasing cooling costs
  • reduce pollution and global warming
So why not buy new bulbs and dispose of your incandescents? The newer CFLs come in different shapes and differing light colors. And, you can often find these lights deeply discounted with instant rebates.

Some groups, like Ban the Bulb , want to stop further sales of incandescent lights. Exercise your freedom, and your brain, by choosing CFLs now.

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